"You will never truely apprehend your parent's love for you untill you become a parent yourself"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Birth of Joshua

Everyone says that the 2nd labour will be much easier. HELL NO!!! It sure wasn't for me.
Here's my miraculous ordeal...documented for life - with a letter of complaint to North Shore Private Hospital.

Unit 12, 80 Murdoch Street
Cremorne, NSW 2090

1 April 2008

North Shore Private Hospital
Locked Bag 1008, Crows Nest Delivery Centre 2065

Attention: Nursing Unit Manager or the Director of Nursing

Dear Sir or Madam:

Unacceptable Level of Care for a Private Hospital

It is with much regret that I have to write this letter on “North Shore Private Hospital's Maternity Services Team committed to delivering a quality standard of care to provide the finest birthing and parenting experience possible”. My care and comfort was not your team’s primary concern during my 2nd birthing experience at North Shore Private Hospital.

My name is Michelle Chua and on 7th March 2008 (Friday), I had my second baby at North Shore Private (My first baby was also born there in October 2006).

On the 6th of March (Thursday), I called the Birthday Suite at around 3pm to explain that my contractions had started in the morning. I was advised by the midwife to stay home until the contractions were more intense and 3-5mins apart, and also to take some Panadol for pain relief.

I took the advice and endured the pain till about 9pm, when it was no longer tolerable. I contacted The Birthing Suite again, asking if I could be admitted to the hospital. Finally the midwife said yes.

When I got to the hospital, it was about 9.30pm. Midwife - Anne (blond with Irish accent) looked after me. After checking me, she informed me that I was only 2cm dilated and said “it’s still early days darling, this ain’t labour yet. You should go home, take some Panadine and rest at home”. She also told me that she has called my Obstetrician, Dr Boyce, and he is (I quote) “happy for me to go home”. I didn’t want to go home coz I felt my pain was getting more intense and what I really wanted was an epidural (this was not communicated to Dr Boyce). But since I thought my doctor, whom I trust completely, said I can go, I went home. Plus Anne didn’t give me a choice; she’d asked that I return home.

By 11.30pm, I left the hospital to head home and did everything Anne suggested that I do. By 1am, I was in great pain as the contractions were a lot more intense. I called The Birthing Suite and insisted that I come in. Coz all I wanted was to get my epidural, just like what I did during my 1st labour.

When I got to the hospital, it was about 2am. I asked for an epidural to be administered. The midwife suggested that I get into the hot bath tub so as to feel better while waiting for the pain relief, so I did. No one checked me at this stage. It was simply assumed that I was still only 2cm dilated. Because of this, I was placed last on the waitlist for an epidural. There was no Anaesthetist on duty, and they were waiting for one to arrive. There were 2 other women that night in labour who were given priority as it was assumed that my dilation was still only 2cm, and I was to be the last in line for an epidural.

Half an hour later, still in bathtub, I had a sharp acute pain. My husband ran out and called for a midwife. Vanessa came in. I told her I am in immense pain and that I was pushing. I knew then the baby was coming. I wanted an epidural straight away. She placed her hand on my tummy and said “contractions over Michelle, its just the baby’s head moving down”. I told her “No!! I need to push and am pushing!!” She then asked me to move to the bed which I had immense difficulty getting there. And when she had a look, she then said, “Too late, the baby’s coming; it’s too late for an epidural”

So there, I had my baby at 3.24am, without epidural, delivered by midwife Vanessa.

Three major issues here:
1. I was given false information by the midwife that my Doctor was happy for me to go home. I spoke to Dr Boyce after the ordeal and he told me he agreed because he was told that I agreed to home. He would not have asked me to go home if he knew I was reluctant to go home due to the pain, particularly this being my second labour. Plus I was not given a choice to stay in hospital or go home, I was asked by the midwife to go home as it was still “early days”.

2. When I went back into the hospital again, NO ONE checked me. It was assumed that I was still 2cm dilated, even though it had been about 5 hours later. Because of this, I was last on the waitlist for an epidural. If someone had checked me, maybe, I would have been able to get my epidural sooner?? Or at least, my doctor could have been paged earlier. I would not have had to go through from what was 2cm to being “too late”!

Incidentally, of the 3 women (including myself) who delivered that morning, only the first lady had the epidural. It was too late for an epidural for the 2nd lady and myself which is a clear indication of the absence of proper care and total ineffective pain management for patients.

3. I explicitly told the midwife how I felt and she denied my feelings saying ‘it’s just the baby’s head moving down’!” I was so angry and pissed off coz there I am telling her the baby’s coming and she dismissed it, saying “it’s just the head moving down??!!” This is totally unacceptable! Who’s the one in labour??!!

If I had not insisted on being admitted at 1am that night, the midwife would have asked me to stay home still and I would definitely have had the baby either at home or in the car!

The standard of service and care I received in the Birthing Suite is completely unacceptable and unprofessional whatsoever for a hospital albeit a private one.

I chose to go to a private hospital as I wanted personalized service, to be given options on birthing plans and midwives to help manage my level of pain effectively. Instead I was lied to, given no rights to exercise my choice and had to go through labour without an epidural, an ordeal which could have been avoided. This horrible experience has left both me and my husband seriously traumatized and angry. We only thank God that our son was born safely.

Why should patients not have the right to go to the hospital when labour starts?? Why do we have to wait till contractions are specifically 3-5mins apart before having the right to be admitted??!! Patients are the ones paying for private service here and we are the ones in labour, and we are the ones managing the pain. How and why should the capacity to manage pain be left in the hands of midwives??

We just want to put this whole ordeal behind us now but we do not want others to experience the same. I am aware that just this week, someone had to deliver her baby at home due to some ‘faulty’ advice given by the midwife at North Shore Private. Once again, simply because she wasn’t allowed to be admitted due to contractions being ‘too far apart’.

Having said this, I am very thankful and would like to express my gratitude and commendation to Lisa Hawkins from the after care unit. During my 5 days stay at the hospital, she has been most helpful, sensitive, thoughtful, professional and kind. North Shore Private Hospital certainly needs more midwives like her.

I sincerely hope that you will look into this matter. This experience is strongly contrary to the Mission & Vision of providing the very best health care available whereby the patient’s care and concern are your primary concern. Please, consider the fact that we patients, who pay for the service, should be given the rights to be admitted when they feel that the pain is beyond what they can manage, and not have to wait for midwives to decide when they can or cannot be admitted.

My consideration of returning to North Shore Private Hospital has been seriously scarred by this experience.

Thank you,

Michelle Sock Kim CHUA


Friday, January 11, 2008

God For Thought?

"When you pray for patience,
do you think God gives you patience,
or the OPPORTUNITY to be patient?"

"When you pray for courage,
do you think God gives you courage,
or the OPPORTUNITY to be courageous?"

This came from a movie called 'Evan Almighty'. Really enjoyed it and somehow, was very much enlighted by it. Felt an over whelming sense & re-inforcement that we all need to trust Him in whatever we do.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

YO-YO-YO What Up?

" Yoz! How you mate?"

Act goody goody


Sunday, December 02, 2007

My Nephew & Ethan's Cousin

One of the best treasured moments during our trip back to Singgers was that I got to see my newborn nephew, whom I'd thot I wun have the chance to meet him till he's like 1 or 2. He must have known how badly I'd hope to meet him that he decided to pop into this world earlier.

Name: Kayden Yeo - isn't he a cutie. A mirror image of his dad. P
s- the hair wasn't styled, he came out just like this!
DOB: 17 Oct 2007
Weight: 2.91kg

Whilst I'm on the roll, might as well introduce more babies to you. Indeed tis the babies galore era!!

Cindy's princess - Raine Chew

Mabel's prince - Zac Ni

Guo Wei's prince - Trevor

Edwin's princess - Gwen Soh

Vincent's prince - Kieran

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

EthanBoy Turns One

Our dearest little man turned one this Oct 10. Right now as I am writing this alone in the bedroom (late as usual), I've got Kenny G's Christmas Holiday album playing in the background. Can't help but remember & get all tearful as I remember the days where Ethan was just born & I'd thot that those were the worse days of my life..... and wishing my mom was here with me.....Thinking back now & seeing the boy he is today....I'll gladly do it all over again.....(which I obviously am!) Geez, tell me how emotional a pregnant woman can get!! This music ain't doing me any good!

Cupcakes galore we made especially for friends & family

Ethan in his Birthday suit & his 4kg strawberry short cake - yes no pants coz was bloody hot!

Desperately trying to get away from uncle soh coz he wanted to check out my tits!!

On the actual day - the 1 year old w grandparents

Such a happy shot w yiyi & yi zhang

"Mummy, when will we see wai gong & wai po again??" - breathe....

Thanking God for everything

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Time Back in Singapore

This is a superbly LATE LATE LATE entry. Can't believe its been sitting on my butt for 2 months now. Well, part of the reason was coz I didn't want to be reminded that it'll have to be at least another year before I see my parents & friends again....
But as promised to all whom I have been promising for the longest time, here are some pics of us & the little man back home in Singers.

First time on plane

Seeing wai-gong for the 1st time - emotional

1st time in the pool & lovin' it!! On piano, looking like a professional

First meetings with gal friends

Stay tune-my birthday next!!

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Chirpy EthanBoy

Ethan in new home

Ethan & papa

Ethan & mama


Saturday, August 25, 2007


Finally my teeth are showing!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Open For Bets

Who am I?
Boy or Girl
please feel free to make your bets


Friday, August 17, 2007

Look Who's Finally Here

Yes yes, I know you must be saying "its about time woman!"...

I've been texted, emailed & literally demanded to post & update with Ethan's pics.

Due to popular demand, here's the much grown little man - not his most recent pics thou' (apologies) but hey, I promise I'll get you more, gimme some time peops! :P

More to come in a week or so...Ethan in our new home....


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Welcome to the world -- Zachary Tin Myint Ni!!

Birthday: Aug 6th.
Zachary Ni

The newly blessed Ni family

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Its Been A While...

Mommy bought me a helmet (all the way couriered from UK!) to protect my head coz I'm always banging my head on the floor

Dun I look like Mickey Mouse?

Me & my Shu-shu

Since everyone says I'm long - maybe I can be a basketball player - #68!

Dada & me

Need to keep my head warm mommy says

Yes Godma, I am still botak

My favourite sleeping position
